New Magazine Article Posted on the Web
My latest article for Art Calendar magazine is now on the web! Check out Judge and Jury: What to Expect When Entering Art Shows, for insight and tips from top judges.

Fine Art and Art Instruction from International Master Artist Annie Strack
* Home * News * Paint in Italy 2023! * Books * $99 Sale! * $79 paintings! * Maritime Gallery * Lighthouse Gallery * Sailing Gallery * USCG Gallery * Seascapes Gallery * Contact *My latest article for Art Calendar magazine is now on the web! Check out Judge and Jury: What to Expect When Entering Art Shows, for insight and tips from top judges.
I've just finished filming my art instruction video today! The next step is editing, and it should be ready for retail distribution by the end of August. In the meantime, here's a short little video I made last week showing how to paint clouds and sky in watercolor....