Sunday, October 13, 2024

October news

 I'm happy to announce that my painting "Into Darkness" received the 7th Place Award in the Georgia Watercolor Society 45th Exhibition! 

Into the Darkness, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

And my painting "Out of the Darkness" juried into the Kentucky Watercolor Society 47th International Exhibition!

Out of the Darkness, 12x9 watercolor by Annie Strack

Last week I judged the art entries at the Unionville Fair -- something I've been doing for the last 12 or 13 years. 

I also replaced the ballast in one of the lights in my studio. I have two florescent ceiling fixtures in my studio and you may recall that I replaced the other one a couple of years ago. This one died a few weeks ago and forced me to fix it, too. I couldn't decide which brightness level to choose for the LED bulbs, so I went with one of each, lol! I think it balances out fairly well. 

In other news, I didn't go to the National Watercolor Society Opening Reception in California this weekend, after all. Another NWS Board Member wanted to go and be in charge of the event, so I stepped aside. I went last year, and that's enough for me. I am retiring from the Board of the National Watercolor Society in January, so I'm perfectly okay with someone else taking my place at the reception. I traded in my airfare and 4 nights of hotel in California for a two-week vacation in the Virgin Islands for hubby and myself -- I think I got a good deal! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 2:35 PM   0 Comments

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Latest news

 I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Fishing Buddies" juried into the Northwest Watercolor Society 84th International Exhibition, and earned Signature Status in NWWS! 

Fishing Buddies, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

Last week I went to the Philadelphia Watercolor Society reception for the 124th International Juried Exhibition. It was good to see so many friends at this event. 

Annie Strack at PWCS

This weekend I'll be administering an online workshop for the National Watercolor Society, and next week I'll be in Unionville to judge the art entries in the county fair. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 3:32 PM   0 Comments

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September happenings

 I spent the day at the Philadelphia Watercolor Society exhibition at Penn State Garnet Valley, helping to unpack the paintings for the 124th International Exhibition. I'm thrilled to have my painting in this great event! I'll be at the reception Tuesday evening, September 17th. 

Ever Decreasing Circles, 12x16 wc, Annie Strack

Next week I'll be driving down to southern Maryland to compete in the Worchester Plein Air. Here's one of my paintings from last year's event... 

Surf's Up, 16x20 wc on board by Annie Strack

And I found that my painting "I'm de Captain, Now" juried into the latest Colorado Watercolor Society Juried show...

I'm de Captain Now, 12x16 wc, Annie Strack

And, I have a BIG announcement!

I'll be the guest artist on Monday Live!, the live weekly painting show hosted by my good friend Yves-Marie Salanson of Sennelier, on Monday, December 16th. This show is broadcast live on Facebook and Youtube, so be sure you sign up to get the link before the event. I'll be painting a beach scene with figures on 12x16 rough paper with Sennelier watercolors and Raphael brushes. More information will be available on the Sennelier website and on Facebook when we get closer to the event! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 7:27 PM   0 Comments

Monday, August 5, 2024

august news

 The Fall season is always busy with lots of juried art exhibitions going on, which means Summer is busy with the notifications. I'm thrilled that my painting "Into Darkness" juried into the Georgia Watercolor Society Juried member exhibit!

Into Darkness, 12x16 watercolor

And my painting "I'm de Captain, now" juried into the Colorado Watercolor Society Statewide and Members exhibit. 

"I'm de captain, now" 12x16 watercolor

Annie Strack at PWS

Yesterday I attended the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society International Exhibition and received my Signature Certificate and pin. This is the 32nd Signature Status that I've earned from artist societies and organizations. 

Annie Strack, NWS Exhibition Director

This week I'll be administering the jury review of Signature applicants for the National Watercolor Society. I have 22 applicants for NWS Signature this year, and I wish them all the best of luck! Applicants will be notified of the jury results at the end of the month. If it were up to me, everyone would win :) 

posted by Annie Strack @ 2:15 PM   0 Comments

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

more exhibits

 I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Ever Decreasing Circles" juried into the Philadelphia Watercolor Society 124th International Exhibition! 

Ever Decreasing Circles, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

and my painting "the Teacher" juried into the Northeast Watercolor Society 48th International Exhibition!
The Teacher, 14x20 watercolor by Annie Strack

posted by Annie Strack @ 5:14 PM   0 Comments

Monday, July 15, 2024

more exhibits

 I'm totally thrilled to announce that my painting juried into the Southwest Watercolor Society 61st annual exhibition!

I'm Listening, 12x16 watercolor

I painted this during one of my online teaching sessions earlier this year, using Sennelier watercolor and Dynasty brushes on Hahnemuhle paper. I working on scheduling some more workshops and classes, both online and in-person for next year. Stayed tuned for details!

Ciao, baby!

posted by Annie Strack @ 7:55 PM   0 Comments

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pennsylvania Watercolor Society

 I'm totally thrilled to learn that my painting "Over my Shoulder" juried into the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 45th International Juried Exhibit, earning my Signature Status in PWS! 

Over my Shoulder, 16x12 wc by Annie Strack

Last weekend I went to the plein air event at Mt Cuba Center and enjoyed a great day of painting in the gardens. 

Mt Cuba, 9x12 wc by Annie Strack

Both of these paintings are painted with my favorite art supplies, Sennelier watercolors and Dynasty brushes on Hahnemuehle paper. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 7:57 AM   0 Comments

Sunday, June 2, 2024

All about watercolor paper, part III


Part III – Weight

Watercolor paper comes in various thicknesses and these are labeled by weight, with prices being lowest for the lightest weights and higher for the heavier weights. 

The most common weights of watercolor paper are 90 pound (light), 140 pound (medium), and 300 pound (heavy) – although there are many other lower and higher weights available. These numbers refer to the weight of a ream of paper – not an individual sheet. Keep in mind, too, that heavier paper will come out of the pressing process with more texture than lighter papers. 

It’s important for an artist to choose a paper weight that will accommodate the size of the work and the amount of water they use in their painting techniques. 

A small painting that is painted without using a lot of wet techniques will work fine on a lightweight paper, but larger paintings and wet techniques require heavier papers. 

If a painter intends to use a lot of water or heavy washes, then a heavier weight paper must be used. Paper should never be “stretched,” and the reasons why will be discussed in the next chapter. 

Read the previous articles in the series: All About Paper - Part II -- Sizing Matters and All About Paper - Part I -- Surface and Texture 


Annie Strack is an industry trained expect in the uses and properties of artist materials, and is an Artist Ambassador for Hahnemuehle paper and many other companies. She travels around the world to teach in art centers, schools, and artist supplies stores. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:03 AM   0 Comments

Saturday, May 25, 2024

National Watercolor Society

 This is the final week of entries for the 104th International Open Exhibition of the National Watercolor Society! The deadline for entries is Friday May 31st at 12 noon PST. Artists may enter one painting at CaFE', and find the full prospectus with rules and information here. This is my 4th year working on this event for the National Watercolor Society, and I'm proud to be the Director of Exhibitions for such a prestigious organization! 

Three Faces of Annie, 14x20 watercolor by Annie Strack

The exhibition takes place in October in the NWS gallery in San Pedro, California. I hope I see you there!

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:24 AM   0 Comments

Monday, May 13, 2024

Open Studio Weekend

 This weekend is the Annual Open Studio! Once again, I am hosting five other artists to share my studio for this event, Karen Fratalli, Nicki Wandersee, Barbara Tlush, Patsy Keller, and me. Come out and see us at my studio at 105 Kabob Lane in Kennett Square, May 19-20, 2024. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:36 AM   0 Comments

Thursday, May 2, 2024

workshops and awards

 I just received this wonderful email from the Watercolor USA Honor Society...

"Dear Annie, Congratulations! We are very happy to inform you that your painting “Disconnected” has been selected to receive the Watercolor USA Honor Society George C Harkins Memorial Award in this year’s Watercolor USA.

The jurors of awards, WHS Board Members Carole Hennessy and Gary Johnson, had quite a challenge to select the Watercolor USA Honor Society’s award winners this year. We believe that the submissions were of the highest caliber we have seen to date." 

Disconnected, 14x20 watercolor by Annie Strack

Last week I taught a workshop at the Howard Pyle Studio in Delaware about the textures of watercolor paper and how to use them. I always enjoy going there to teach, and this was one of the most enjoyable workshops yet. Everyone painted a simple loose floral still life three times, on hot pressed, cold pressed, and rough papers. This workshop introduces artists to the different surface and explores how the surfaces react to different techniques. All the paper was generous supplied by Hahnemuehle

And I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Low Tide" juried into Colorado Watercolor Society national exhibit! 

Low Tide, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

Next week I'll be painting plein air, live in person, at the Bourbon & Bluegrass event at Winterthur. The following week is the annual studio tour and I'll post more about that later, but save the date -- Saturday and Sunday, May 19-20. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:37 AM   0 Comments

Monday, April 22, 2024

demos and paintings

 Last week I demonstrated plein air painting at Valley Forge for the Philadelphia Watercolor Society, and also at the Wine Trail event at Winterthur. 

Annie Strack PWCS plein air painting at Valley Forge

Valley Forge, 9x12 plein air by Annie Strack

And in other news, I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Toes in the Water" juried into the Southern Watercolor Society National Juried Exhibition!

Toes in the Water, 14x20 Watercolor by Annie Strack

Later this week I'll be at the Howard Pyle Studio in Wilmington, Delaware, to teach a watercolor workshop. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:03 PM   0 Comments

Friday, March 29, 2024

PWCS plein air painting at Valley Forge

 I'm thrilled to announce new painting demonstration coming up in April! On April 18th, I will be demonstrating plein air painting at Valley Forge National Historical Park for the Philadelphia Watercolor Society during their Spring Paint Out. This event is free and open to the public, click here to register

PWCS plein air at Valley Forge, April 18, 2024

All artists will receive FREE samples of Hahnemuehle watercolor paper and a free tube of paint! There will be lots of door prizes for other art supplies, too! 

Annie Strack painting en plein air

This event is generously sponsored by Hahnemuehle who is providing watercolor paper for to give away to all the artists. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:11 AM   0 Comments

Saturday, March 23, 2024

More Exhibitions!

 This week I'm framing and boxing up more paintings to ship off to juried exhibitions around the country. My painting "Weight of the World" is juried into the Illinois Watercolor Society International Exhibition. 

Weight of the World, 9x12 watercolor by Annie Strack

I'm thrilled that my painting "Every Which Way" juried into the Society of Watercolor Artists International Exhibition in Texas. 

Every Which Way, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

And I also learned that my painting "Disconnected" juried into the Watercolor USA Honor Society exhibition in Missouri. 

Disconnected, 14x20 watercolor by Annie Strack

And in other news, the National Watercolor Society begins accepting entries for the 104th International Open Exhibition on April 1st! Get ready for another great exhibit in San Pedro, California in October and November of this year. We have lots of exciting activities to go along with the exhibition, so be sure to put it on your calendar. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 5:22 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, March 7, 2024

All About Paper, Part II - Sizing

 All About Paper -- Part II – Sizing

Sizing is an additive to watercolor paper to make it a more durable surface for painting. It reduces absorbency and adds stiffness to paper. Without sizing, it would be like painting on a paper towel – the moisture would soak in and spread throughout the paper. Sizing can be added to the pulp vat for internal sizing, or it can be applied to the surface of the paper, or both – some papers have sizing added to the surface and also internally. There are two common products that are used for sizing, and there are pros and cons to each of them. 

The Collection, Watercolor Paper by Hahnemuehle

Vegetable sizing is STARCH, and animal sizing is GELATIN. Think of a vegetable starch, like a cornstarch -- it can be easily and quickly dissolved in cold water. Gelatin, on the other hand, is much harder to dissolve and requires boiling water and a lot of effort. That's why it is also used as a glue and as a surface preparation for oil painting (in it's form of rabbit skin glue), as well. 

Annie Strack pulling handmade watercolor paper in Fabriano, Italy

When dried, the starch products are easily reconstituted but the gelatin products require much more effort to reverse or dissolve. So, as a paper sizing, vegetable sizing will not hold up to a lot of "abuse" -- scrubbing, multiple layers, lifting, masking, over-working, etc., whereas traditional gelatin sizing is much more durable. 

testing different mediums on a paper

Vegetable sizing is much brighter, whiter and doesn't discolor, while gelatin sizing often causes a warmer tint. Gelatin is a byproduct of meat production (animal hides, usually bovine) so vegans and some religious doctrines avoid it. These are the pros and cons to consider for each, and it’s up to the individual artist to decide which is best for them. 

Read the other articles in this series: All About Paper - Part I - Surface Textures


Annie Strack is an industry trained expert in the uses and properties of artist materials. She is a Brand Ambassador for Hahnemuehle Paper and several other companies, and teaches at art centers, art supply stores, and workshops around the world. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:32 AM   1 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2023. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.