Saturday, March 1, 2025

Baltimore Watercolor Society Workshops

 My workshop for the Baltimore Watercolor Society sold out immediately and they had a full waiting list, so I did two full, back to back, online workshops in two weeks to accommodate everyone. Here's the paintings I demonstrated in those workshops. 

Everyone did two paintings in each workshop, learning a variety of techniques and acquiring a lot of new skills.

These workshops were both on how to paint koi, and I taught how to create the abstracted backgrounds and add movement, and how to choose colors for the fish. 

I also explained color harmony when choosing colors, and using values and patterns to enhance the composition, and more. 

Coming up, I will be teaching an online paint-along demonstration on March 27th at 7 pm, all about using greens in the landscape and keeping the colors lively and fresh. I will post more information about that demo soon and how you can sign up for it, so stayed tuned! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 8:50 AM   0 Comments


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