Monday, January 20, 2025

workshops and demos

Wowsa! I just found out that my painting demonstration for Baltimore Watercolor Society drew a RECORD BREAKING number of people registering to watch a BWS demo! Thank you, everyone, for coming to watch me splash paint around! 

Annie Strack, BWS

I painted two paintings in my two hour online demo for BWS, although now I will let them sit for a few days to ferment. I will look at them next week and see if I want to add or change anything before I call them "done."

BWS demo paintings

Once again, my upcoming workshops sold out immediately. BWS added a second workshop for the waiting list, which was already overflowing, too. Please go ahead and add your name to the waitlist anyway, as they MIGHT also add a third workshop from the waiting list. My workshops sell-out so quickly that I highly recommend getting on a waiting list to try to get a chance to attend. 

Annie Strack, example of color lesson

Speaking of workshops, I'm putting together a workshop for Delaware Watercolor Society right now, as we speak! This 3-day workshop will be "in-person," in a venue in southern Delaware in April. It too, will sell-out quickly, so be sure to watch for announcements from DWS. The DWS workshop is Color Theory and it's all about experimenting and learning to think outside of the box when it comes to color.  
color lesson example, Annie Strack

We'll do several techniques in this workshop and participants will gain a stronger understanding of how to choose and use color to create better paintings.  

I will be using watercolors in this workshop, but the lessons apply to all painting mediums. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:09 AM   0 Comments


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