Monday, March 26, 2012

Paintings on Twinrocker Handmade Paper

I so enjoyed using the Twinrocker Handmade Paper on my last painting, that I quickly started another one this week! This one is also on the cold-pressed paper, and you can see the lovely deckled edges and bright white surface. Because these papers are a little smoother than I normally use, I'm using natural Kolinsky brushes by Raphael so I can take full advantage of the subtle texture of the paper. The photo reference is one of my favorite beaches, on the north side of the island of St. Croix.

I painted the sky using a wet-on-wet technique with cobalt, indigo, and violet, and blotted the clouds with paper towels.

The sand and water were painted wet-on dry, leaving a bit of sparkle of paper showing through. I used a little salt in on the sand area, and also some dry-brush to give it more depth.
After the painting was completely dry, I removed the masking fluid and painted the seafoam and highlights, and added the last details to the painting. I loved using the Twinrocker Handmade Paper and Raphael brushes on this painting. I'm going to start another one right away!

posted by Annie Strack @ 10:21 AM   0 Comments

Friday, March 23, 2012

Twinrocker Handmade Paper

Earlier this week, I recieved a lovely package from Twinrocker Handmade Paper containing an assortment of their watercolor papers. Twinrocker is generously sponsoring a substantial Merit Award for the Louisiana Watercolor Society 42nd Annual International Exhibition, and in addtion to the award, they are also sending samples of their paper to each of the artists that were juried into the show.
Twinrocker Handmade Paper samples
The Twinrocker Handmade Paper is very bright white, and has natural feathery deckled edges. It also comes in tinted colors, which are wonderful to use with goauche.
Sketch with masking fluid
I couldn't wait to try the new paper! Here, I've sketched out a simple beach scene from some reference photos I shot while I was in the Virgin Islands recently.
painting in progress
I painted in the initial washes, and followed with layers of colors to build up values.

More dark values added
At this point, the painting is almost done and masking fluid still covers a few areas that are being protected from paint.
Masking fluid removed and details painted
Here's the finished painting, after the masking fluid is removed and the last highlights have been painted. Overall, I love the Twinrocker Handmade Paper. This sheet is heavy, cold-pressed, and tub-sized, so it can be painted on either side. It's a bit smoother than I normally expect for cold pressed, but by using softer brushes I got the same textured effects that I would get on other cold-pressed papers. I'm not sure if it's the result of extra compression, or extra sizing, but it was extremely easy to lift paint off this paper. I used masking fuild to preserve the whites, but I could have just as easily lifted the paint to create perfect highlights. That feature, along with the beautiful brightness of the paper, makes this a truly wonderful surface to paint on. Twinrocker Handmade Paper is made in a variety of sizes, all with natural deckled edges. Additionally, the company makes custom papers in any size, color, weight, or material imaginable. These are wonderful papers that professional artists will love to use.

Follow Twinrocker Handmade Paper on Facebook and Twitter, and check out their website!

posted by Annie Strack @ 12:34 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dynasty Blog: Annie Strack

Dynasty Blog: Annie Strack: #3483 , 24" x 14", Watercolor “I paint the places that I know, places that I love. I want you to step into my paintings and experienc...

This week, my dear friend Karyn Meyer-Berthel wrote a lovely article about me on the Dynasty Brush blog! Check out the article, and check out Dynasty Brush to learn about fine art brushes!

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:27 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.