Paintings on Twinrocker Handmade Paper
I so enjoyed using the Twinrocker Handmade Paper on my last painting, that I quickly started another one this week! This one is also on the cold-pressed paper, and you can see the lovely deckled edges and bright white surface. Because these papers are a little smoother than I normally use, I'm using natural Kolinsky brushes by Raphael so I can take full advantage of the subtle texture of the paper. The photo reference is one of my favorite beaches, on the north side of the island of St. Croix.
I painted the sky using a wet-on-wet technique with cobalt, indigo, and violet, and blotted the clouds with paper towels.
The sand and water were painted wet-on dry, leaving a bit of sparkle of paper showing through. I used a little salt in on the sand area, and also some dry-brush to give it more depth.
After the painting was completely dry, I removed the masking fluid and painted the seafoam and highlights, and added the last details to the painting. I loved using the Twinrocker Handmade Paper and Raphael brushes on this painting. I'm going to start another one right away!