Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Plein Air Painting Workshop in Pennsylvania

 September proved to be the perfect time to teach a plein air workshop in Pennsylvania! The weather was mild with temps in the 70's and the sky was clear when my students and I gathered at the Community Arts Center in Wallingford, Pennsylvania. The location was perfect, as well. I chose a spot under the canopy of trees where my students could take advantage of the shade and the picnic tables, and had a wonderful view of several compositional subjects to from which to choose.

My students, working hard on their watercolor plein air paintings. 
My demo painting from my plein air workshop.

  The tower that I chose to use for the subject of my workshop is not "made up" -- it's an actual folly in the garden of the Art Center, as you can see in this photo!

 Al of my students use Value Finders. Here, Carol is looking at me to see if I have any values...

 More photos of my workshop students working on their paintings...

My next class at this location begins in January. Be sure to follow my updates to get the latest info.

All of my students worked on these 12x16 blocks of "Cezanne" watercolor paper provided by Hahnemuehle. I love when companies send products to me to try, and I love it even more when they send products to all of my students! I love the paper, and my students all got to try it out for themselves and experience the nice texture, outstanding brightness, and perfect sizing of this paper first-hand. Thank you, Hahnemuehle!

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posted by Annie Strack @ 9:39 AM   0 Comments

Monday, September 18, 2017

Recent Art Classes!

I held classes in my studio for the summer semester and called it Summer School. We explored still life painting, gestural figure painting, sketchbooking, landscapes, seascapes, and plein air painting. Here's a few photos of my happy studio students creating fabulous works of art! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 2:11 PM   0 Comments

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Watercolor Painting Workshop in NJ!

Last weekend I went to New Jersey to teach a watercolor painting workshop at the Rutgers University Ag Center, hosted by the Salem County Art League. This was my second workshop in southern New Jersey in the last few months, and I was thrilled to recognize most of the students from previous workshops and demos! 

I was also pleased that all of my students had brought good, artist grade materials and supplies. It made the lessons so much easier for them and for me, to not have to overcome the disappointments that result from trying to work with student grade materials. 

 We had time to finish two paintings in this workshop, which really helps to strengthen the lessons.
Stormy Beach, 12x16 WC 
 Here are my two demonstration paintings from the workshop. My students created paintings that were just as good as mine!
Two Skiffs, 14x20 WC 
I've got a ton of workshops and demos coming up in the next couple of months, and adding more constantly! Check out my calendar page on this website to keep up with the latest happenings.

posted by Annie Strack @ 3:11 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.