Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Plein Air Brandywine Valley

I just finished painting in the annual Plein Air Brandywine Valley. The exhibit was held at Winterthur again this year, and we had a huge turnout for the reception resulting in tremendous sales. I painted a total of 10 paintings this year, including the separate Quick Draw and Mini components of the event. I haven't had time to photograph all my paintings yet, and some of them have, of course, sold. But here's a sampling of some of the paintings that I did over the course of the week long competition.
White Mandevilla, 10x8 wc on panel 

Echo Valley Farm, 9x12 wc, SOLD

Blacksmith's Shop, 11x14 (Quick Draw) oil

Alla Fine Farm, 11x14 oil

Christiana River, 11x14 wc on panel

Abbott's Barn, 6x8 wc on panel

waterlilies, 12x16 wc

My wall at the exhibit

Yvonne Mucci, Anne Buck, Annie Strack, painting on the riverfront

Alla Fine Farm

Pumkins at Janssens, 8x10 oil

Pumpkins and corn, 8x10 oil

Marsh at Dupont Environmental Center, 12x16 wc, SOLD

Corn Crib at Echo Valley, 8x10 oil

Demonstrating Nocturne painting in Kennett Square a few weeks ago, to promote the upcoming PABV event
the artist at work!

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:34 AM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.