Monday, March 27, 2023

More Exhibits

 This is a busy week for notifications! I'm honored to have my painting "Fire and Water" juried into the Society of Watercolor Artists Annual Juried International Exhibition in Texas! 

Fire and Water, 12 x 16 watercolor by Annie Strack

More good news, my painting "Fishing Buddies" juried into the Watercolor USA Honor Society Annual  National Exhibit in Springfield, Missouri! 

Fishing Buddies, 12 x 16 watercolor by Annie Strack

and my painting "the Teacher" juried into the Illinois Watercolor Society 39th International Exhibition!

The Teacher, 14x20 watercolor by Annie Strack

 This is my third acceptance in a row into the Illinois Watercolor Society's Annual International Juried Exhibits, which earns Signature Status in IWS for me. It's the 24th Signature Status that I've earned! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 3:49 PM   1 Comments

Friday, March 10, 2023

Online demo and paint-along!

 Come paint with me April 5th! Paint along in this free online painting demonstration. Space is limited, so reserve your spot by registering HERE.  Linda Fisler will start us off with an oil painting demo at 7 pm EDT, and I will follow her with my watercolor demo at about 8 pm. 

Linda will start us off with an oil painting demonstration, and my watercolor demo will follow at about 8 pm, EDT. 
Annie Strack, reference photo for watercolor demo

Want to paint along with me? Download or print the reference photo, and you can even trace my drawing, if you want. 
Annie Strack, 8x8 drawing for watercolor demo

I'll be painting these koi using Sennelier watercolors using Dynasty brushes on Hahnemuhle paper. I hope you can join me and paint along! Be sure to post your paintings on Facebook, Instragram, or Twitter and tag me so I can follow you and see your paintings! 

posted by Strack @ 7:15 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.