Just Skies! Watercolor Workshop
Just Skies! -- Watercolor workshop at my summer studio in Kennett Square, 10-4pm Aug 4, $68.
In this workshop, artists will concentrate on painting a variety of skies with watercolors. Daylight, sunsets, evenings, as well as different types of cloud formations and light variations. Skies as they look on sunny days, and in foggy conditions, haze, rain, and stormy weather.
Lunch, beverages, and watercolor paper are provided. The class runs from 10am to 4pm.
Students need to bring their own watercolor paints and brushes. I suggest:
Ultramarine blue, Cobalt, Payne's Grey, Indigo, Sepia, and both a warm and cool selection of red and yellow, and any other colors you like to use. For brushes, you need to have a large flat (preferably 1" or so) and a large round (about #16 or larger). I like to have students bring both soft and firm brushes if they have them -- soft brushes for loose work, and firm brushes for control. You do not need to purchase anything special or specific for the class. Colors can be approximate. Brushes do not need to be any brand or specific hair -- just as long as they are good quality and not too small.
Paper is provided by Twinrocker Handmade Paper - because I insist on using the best!
Send me an email to register for this workshop, or check out our calendar page for other workshops.
Send me an email to register for this workshop, or check out our calendar page for other workshops.