Thursday, May 30, 2013

Art Classes, Workshops, and more!

I just got this cool triad of Cobra Study - watermixable oil colors! I love Cobra Oil Colors -- they are great for painting en plein air and traveling, and I don't have to mess with any turpentine or other solvents! Cobra is giving away free samples for a limited time, click here to request your own free sample of all three primary colors!

 This week I've been working on some paintings that I used in my painting demonstrations last month in Louisiana. The painting of the white dinghy still needs a little tweaking to get the harmony and compostion just right. My reference photo is on the easel to the right of the painting.
I've also got my french easel out and ready to pack for this weekend's plein air outing at Valley Forge National Historical Park. I'm taking my watercolors, of course -- it's a Philadelphia Watercolor Society event -- but I'll also be painting an oil painting or two while I'm there. If you're in the area, do stop in and visit with me while I'm painting! I enjoy company while I paint. I'm Chairing this event for the Watercolor Society, so I will be easy to find -- near the Maurice Stephens House -- most of the day.

Also, there is still a space open in my workshop next weekend in Delaware! Contact the workshop coordinator ASAP if you want to get in to this class.

For more information about my upcoming classes and workshops, click on the links at the top of this website. I hope I see you in one of my classes soon!

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:55 PM   0 Comments


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