Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Update on the Plein Air trip to Brittany with Sennelier

Here's the latest update on our plein air trip to Brittany, France, with Sennelier! 

France is still closed to American tourists so will are unable to travel this summer as we had hoped. However, we have re-scheduled the trip to the summer of 2022. Because this trip sold out years in advance and has a waiting list, we have added a SECOND tour! Both tours will be identical, visiting the workshops of Sennelier and Raphael and painting with Yves-Marie and me in the most beautiful locations of the coast. The first trip will be June 8 - 17th, and the second group will be June 22 - July 1st. There are only a few spots left open in the second group, so be sure to sign up quickly to reserve your space! 

Find more info about these trips by clicking here

posted by Annie Strack @ 5:42 PM   0 Comments

Monday, March 8, 2021

Pikes Peak watercolor society biennial exhibit

 Great news! My painting "Toes in the Sand" was juried into the 2021 Pikes Peak Watercolor Society Biennial International Exhibit! I also earned Signature Status in PPWS, which is the 18th artist signature that I've earned. 

Toes in the Sand, watercolor by Annie Strack

And in other news, I just finished this new seagull painting...

A lot of people are messaging and emailing me to ask how I'm doing, and I simply can't respond to everyone personally. I really appreciate all the calls and messages and it lifts my spirits to read everyone's notes and well wishes. I was touched by all the cards, flowers, food, and other gifts, and I especially love the subscription to netflix that one dear friend sent to me! 

To keep everyone up to date: I finished the intrathecal chemo in late December, and the other chemotherapy ended a little over a month ago. I am starting to feel better. However the results of my post-treatment PET scan were not all that great, so I await yet another surgery and biopsy before I know anything more.   

posted by Annie Strack @ 4:26 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.