Friday, October 20, 2023

USCG art exhibits

 Oh my! What an exciting letter!

"Dear Coast Guard Artist,
You are receiving this email because some of your outstanding artwork is featured in two exhibitions at major museums. Your painting "Repairing the Light" is at the GulfQuest National Maritime Museum in Mobile, Ala., and your paintings "ATN Ft Macon, NC" and "Rescue Swimmer, Lake Pontchartrain" are at the the Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle, Wash. These exhibitions, showing a total of nearly 75 works, have been on view for several months and will continue. For both exhibitions, Coast Guard District Public Affairs Officers arranged demonstrations of selected Coast Guard missions and for several Coast Guard speakers to address audiences and be on hand to answer questions. In the case of the exhibition at Mobile, this included presentations by Sector Mobile, the Aviation Training Center, Station Dauphin Island, Recruiting in Mobile and the District 8 Public Affairs Office. In addition to a demonstration, the Seattle exhibition featured CAPT Olav Saboe, former chief of staff for District 13, who addressed visitors with a talk and slide presentation and was available for questions. These presentations and demonstrations were highly successful, very well attended and covered by local media."

Rescue Swimmer on Lake Pontchartrain by Annie Strack

ATN Ft Macon, NC by Annie Strack

Repairing the Light by Annie Strack

In other news, yesterday I had a lovely day painting en plein air with the Philadelphia Watercolor Society at Grace Winery in Glenn Mills, Pennsylvania.

I gave my finished painting to the owners of the winery to thank them for their hospitality.

Last week I was in San Pedro, California, for the National Watercolor Society Annual Business Meeting and the opening of the 103rd International Exhibition at our NWS gallery.
NWS Directors Judy Saltzman and Annie Strack 

Annie Strack manning the registration table with another volunteer

NWS 103rd exhibition reception

And I drove down to Milton, Delaware, last week to judge an exhibition at the Milton Art Guild.

posted by Strack @ 11:57 AM   0 Comments

Friday, October 6, 2023

Plein air at Winterthur

 I had another great day demonstrating plein air painting at Winterthur last weekend during the "Discover Winterthur" event. 

Annie Strack painting at Winterthur

I painted two 12x16 watercolors of the koi pond. You can see my progress of my first painting in these photos...

Any Which Way, 12x16 wc by Annie Strack

Next week I'm off to sunny southern California to attend the National Watercolor Society annual meeting and exhibition in San Pedro. Although I've been a volunteer for a few years, I'm still rather new on the Board of Directors and this is my first attendance. I look forward to seeing everyone in person!

posted by Annie Strack @ 6:19 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.