Friday, September 24, 2010

New Studio!

For some reason, I suddenly feel compelled to paint larger! This is a triptych that I'm currently working on - each panel is 24"x18". When finished, I will mount this painting on deep cradled art boards, and finish off with several coats of varnish.

The use of the cradled art boards and varnish allows me to present these watercolor paintings ready to hang without the use of frames or glass.

I love the studio space in my new home! As you can see, there's plenty of room for my custom workbench and lot's of light!

Plenty of storage space and lot's of walls to hang paintings...

and plenty of floor space to set up extra tables and chairs so I can teach classes right in my own studio now!
I think, maybe the new larger studio might have something to do with my sudden impluse to paint bigger!

posted by Annie Strack @ 4:23 PM   5 Comments

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chat with me live on Wednesday

This Wednesday, Sept 22, I will be live on #ARTChannel from 7:00-8:00pm CST
I will be talking and answering questions about painting, art business, and art marketing. Click on the link to go to the website where you can chat with me!

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:05 AM   1 Comments

Friday, September 17, 2010

These are photos of the three paintings completed by Patsy Seguin at my 3-day watercolor seascapes painting workshop in Baton Rouge last month. Hard to believe -- this was the first time that Patsy attended a painting workshop!
Patsy painted this one straight -- it's the camera that's tilted!

These paintings are from just one of the artists that attended my workshop -- all of the artists produced amazing work!

Read Patsy's comments about my workshop here along with comments from some of the other artists who participated!

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:10 PM   2 Comments

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Workshop in St Bernard

This past week I drove back to New Orleans to teach a watercolor painting workshop for the St Bernard Art Guild. The workshop was held in the art room at Nunez College in Chalmette, which of course is a great place to teach art. Here's a few of the students working on their paintings...We did a seascape with a sailboat this time, and here's my painting with the sky painted in. The masking fluid over the boat part of the painting protects the white of the paper while the sky and water are painted in.

This photo shows my painting nearly finished, just needing a few more details.
The finished painting after a thin glaze is washed over it, to warm up the foreground colors and make the water appear more translucent.

We all had a wonderful time at the workshop, and everyone finished two fantastic paintings. It's especially great that the St Bernard Art Guild awarded 5 scholarships for art teachers to attend the workshop! Kudos to St Bernard Art Guild! Scholarships for art teachers to attend workshops goes a long way towards speading art education, as the teachers take the skills that they learn and pass them on to their own students for years to come.

posted by Annie Strack @ 6:28 PM   2 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.