Sunday, November 2, 2014

Plein Air Brandywine Valley!

This is my "busy season" so I'm a bit behind on blog posts! Last weekend was the show and sale of Plein Air Brandywine Valley, which is the top juried Plein Air competition in the region. Artists have 4 days to paint up to ten paintings, which are then entered in the show for sale and compete for  $15,000 in awards. This is my third year competing in this event, and once again, it was awesome! I painted 10 paintings using Rembrandt Oils on Fredrix Canvas Boards, and these 4 paintings sold right away.
Neilson Farm, 8x10, sold

Shed at Gahagan Farm, sold

shed at Haskil's Farm, sold

Haskill's Farm, sold
Paintings have to be framed and turned in each day of the event, so these were still wet when I photographed them, resulting in the glare in these images.
Rosemary Connolly and Annie Strack
 This event is practically held in my backyard, so I always open my home to host an artist from out-of-state. Once again, I was happy to have Rosemary Connolly stay at my house during the event. Because we were both so busy running around to the various locations to paint, we hardly saw each other all week!

By the time I remembered to take a photo of my paintings in the show, several of them had already sold and were gone! The remaining paintings will be posted for sale online at the Children's Beach House soon, so there's still an opportunity to purchase paintings from this event!

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:44 PM   0 Comments


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