Thursday, July 28, 2016

Plein Air Painting at the Brandywine Museum of Art

I had a wonderful day last week at the Brandywine River Museum of Art during their "Inside Out Plein Air" event. Three other artists and I were invited to paint inside the museum, which was especially nice since the outside temperature was in the high 90's with a heat index in the triple digits. I quickly painted a couple of watercolors of my view of the river, and then a small watercolor of the vase of white hydrangeas in the lobby.

Brandywine River Plein Air, 12x9 watercolor 

Brandywine River Plein Air, 9x12 watercolor 

Brandywine River Museum Interior, 6x4 watercolor 

I don't often get the opportunity to practice painting live figures, so I was thrilled to be able to get out my sketchbook and fill several pages. People standing around and walking about the museum lobby were perfect models, and because I was there with permission I was able to paint to my heart's content without any intrusions. Afterwards, some of my students saw my plein air figure sketches and have asked me to add the lessons to my schedule. Ask, and you shall receive! Figure Sketching in Watercolor is being added to the curriculum of my upcoming workshop in Spain, and one-day classes will be added to my lineup of studio classes.

Plein Air Figure Sketching in Watercolor

 In other news, merchandise is still arriving for the Plein Air Brandywine Valley event in October! Cheap Joe's Art Stuff just sent us a $100 Gift Card and fashionable painting apron that some lucky artist will win as a Merit Award at the event. The name of the comapany -- Cheap Joe's -- is quite an oxymoron as anyone who's ever done business with them knows they are as generous as the day is long.

We're now up to 14 Merit Awards, in addition to the top awards which total over $10,000 in cash! There's still time to apply, although the entries will close in a week so that notifications can begin.

$100 Merit Award for Plein Air Brandywine Valley from Cheap Joe's

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posted by Annie Strack @ 4:59 PM   1 Comments

Saturday, July 16, 2016

another new painting!

Here's my latest watercolor painting! I just finished this one, and sent the image off to the National Watercolor Society for jurying. Wish me luck! I've been recovering from surgery for the past month, and spent the time in my studio working on the complexities of this painting. I'm writing a step by step tutorial using this painting, and soon I'll post the link to where you can find that free tutorial. Many thanks to my friends on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter who come to my rescue and help me with the titles for my latest paintings!
A Tug at My Heart, 20x14 watercolor 
 More sponsorships are rolling in for Plein Air Brandywine Valley! We are now up to thirteen Merit Awards of fabulous merchandise and gift certificates, including the latest from Vasari Oil Colors. Vasari oils are completely hand made of the finest oil and pigments and made in the US. Two lucky artists will win $250 Gift Certificates from Vasari, who has also generously provided two $100 Gift Certificates to be used as awards in the Quick Draw and the Nocturne painting competitions!
Merit Awards provided by Vasari Oil Colors

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posted by Annie Strack @ 2:00 PM   0 Comments

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

1-day workshops and classes for artists!

July is a busy month, with three classes coming up in my studio! There's still a few spaces left in all of them, so sign up now before they are all sold out!

July 12, -  "Social Media Made Simple!" 1-day workshop in my Kennett Square Studio. Learn how to improve your business and sell more art through positive interaction with potential and current customers on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Pinterest, Linked In, g+, Blogs, and more! Make your posts go viral and get people talking about your business all over the internet! wi-fi is available, so bring your laptop (preferred) or mobile device! 9:30 am - 3pm. Lunch included, $58 per person.  Email me to register.

July 14, - Plein Air Workshop at my studio in Kennett Square. Join me for a day of painting in my studio gardens. All mediums welcome. Learn how to choose subjects and plan plein air compositions, use color to the best advantage, strengthen values, and create better plein air paintings! 9:30 - 3 pm, lunch is included. $58 per person, email me to register.

July 28, - Mix Stunning Colors with a Limited Palette! A 1-day workshop in my Kennett Square Studio. Learn how to identify colors by temperature and value and how to mix every color needed from using a split primary palette! This applies to all color mediums, so all mediums are welcome in this workshop. Participants will gain a stronger understanding of color theory and will learn to use the right colors to create better paintings. 9:30 am - 3 pm, $58 per person, lunch included. Email me to register.

Annie Strack leading a plein air painting workshop

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:38 AM   0 Comments

Friday, July 1, 2016

Adding more awards!

I forgot to show you all my recent painting of Sheffield Mums! I strayed away from my usual painting subjects of seascapes and landscapes, and did a few florals. I entered this painting in the Philadelphia Watercolor Society juried show -- wish me luck!
A Break from Boats, 12x16 watercolor 
 Lately I've been busy working behind the scenes on the Plein Air Brandywine Valley competition. This year is shaping up nicely, as we've secured Steve Doherty of Plein Air Magazine as our juror, and we added over a dozen extra awards and some new events. New this year, a Quick Draw in Marshallton and a Nocturne in Chesapeake City are added to the lineup. New locations are being added, too, and this year Jamie Wyeth has invited us to paint at his house! I've been working hard to get lots of additional awards for this event, and I'm working with numerous art supply retailers and wholesales to get tons of awesome merchandise for both the artist swag bags and Merit Awards. Check out the totally awesome Williamsburg Oil Colors and Qor Watercolors that will be awarded to some lucky artists!
Williamsburg Oils and Qor Watercolors, Merit Awards for Plein Air Brandywine Valley

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:52 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.