Beginning Watercolor Painting Tips & Supplies To Get You Started
My old friend Lori McNee of Fine Art Tips has produced this video which explains all about the essential supplies for watercolor painting! Check it out!

Fine Art and Art Instruction from International Master Artist Annie Strack
* Home * News * Paint in Italy 2023! * Books * $99 Sale! * $79 paintings! * Maritime Gallery * Lighthouse Gallery * Sailing Gallery * USCG Gallery * Seascapes Gallery * Contact *My old friend Lori McNee of Fine Art Tips has produced this video which explains all about the essential supplies for watercolor painting! Check it out!
We finally had beautiful weather! It was warm and sunny all weekend, and I spent the week puttering around in the garden more than the studio.
Spring has sprung! My irises and peonies are in full bloom and the windows are open to let the fresh air in. Squirrels are busy digging up my garden (Grr!) and birds are hatching. This birdhouse is one of many in my yard, and is the closest one to my patio. We watched a few leave the nest before I went and got the camera to catch this last one taking his first jump!