Sunday, November 20, 2022

November news

 it's been a busy season with plein air events, juried shows, demos, and more. I just got back from painting at Winterthur for their Wine Trail event, where I painted in the pines to entertain the guests. 

Annie painting in the pines at Winterthur

Pondering the Pines, 9x12 watercolor (sold)

I just found out I won Second Place Award in the Society of Watercolor Artists in Texas for my painting "Serious Side Eye." 

Serious Side Eye, 12x16 watercolor

And last week, I was in the 10th Annual Plein Air Brandywine Valley and I painted 10 paintings which were then on exhibit at Winterthur. 

my 10 PABV plein air paintings on display at Winterthur

Koi 2, 16x20 watercolor on board

Janssen's flowers 1, 16x12 watercolor on board

Janssen's flowers 2, 8x6 watercolor on board

Oakdale, 12x16 oil

Jannsen's flowers 3, 8x6 watercolor on board

Pathway, 8x10 watercolor on board

Coverdale, 12x16 oil

While the PABV exhibit was at Winterthur, I painted a few demonstrations in watercolor in the main tent. 

Strolling Reflections, 12x16 watercolor

Evening Sail, 12x16 watercolor

Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine featured my painting "Fishing Buddies" in the December issue in their feature article listing the top paintings juried into the American Artists Professional League Grand National Exhibit on display at the Salmagundi Club in New York City. 

Fine Art Connoisseur magazine, December 2022

It's been such a busy season, I haven't even had a chance to take photos at all the other events that I've been doing these past couple of months! But now I finally get a few days off until my next event, the 4-color plein air competition in New Jersey in December. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:58 AM   0 Comments


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