Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Worchester plein air

 Last week I drove down to Maryland to paint in the Worchester Plein Air. I painted these at Assateague National Seashore, using Sennelier watercolors and Dynasty brushes on Hahnemuehle paper mounted on board. I forgot to take a photo before I framed them, so some of the gilt plein air framing shows in these photos!

beach, 12x16 wc on board

Surf's up, 16x20 wc on board

After turning my my plein air paintings in Maryland, I hurried up to Delaware to demonstrate plein air painting at the Mixers & Elixirs cocktail party at Winterthur Friday evening. 

Annie Strack painting at Winterthur

I was thrilled to open this award from the Kentucky Watercolor Society when I returned!

And I just had time to ship off this painting that was just accepted into the Society of Watercolor Artists National Exhibit in Texas. 

Seen Better Day, 20x14 wc by Annie Strack

Also this week, the 51st edition of The Art of Watercolor is published and it includes an interview with me as the winner of their Artists Competition. 

I'll be at Winterthur again this Saturday from 9 - 3, demonstrating plein air painting. Be sure to come out and see me! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:37 PM   0 Comments

Saturday, September 16, 2023

painting at Winterthur

 I had a marvelous time demonstrating plein air painting at Winterthur last night, during the cocktail event next to the reflecting pool. 

Annie Strack painting en plein at Winterthur

I painted until about 8 pm, until I realized that sun had gone done and I was having a hard time seeing my palette. I looked at my finished painting in the light of day this morning and I'm happy with the results. I just entered it in the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 49th Juried Exhibition -- wish me luck! 

Old Friends, 16x12 watercolor by Annie Strack

Tomorrow I'm going down to Assateague to paint in the Worchester County Plein Air. I like that event because it includes the State and National Parks with the wild ponies, beaches, marshes, marinas, and so much more. It's a plein air painter's dream. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 4:33 PM   0 Comments

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Northeast watercolor society

 I'm thrilled to learn that my painting "le Grande Amore" juried into the North East Watercolor Society 47th International Exhibit. This acceptance earns Signature Membership for me in NEWS, and it marks the 27th Signature that I've earned! 

le Grande Amore, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

Next Friday I'll be painting en plein air at the Reflecting Pool at Winterthur during the cocktail party. Be sure to come out and see me if you're in the area! The following week, I'll be driving down to southern Maryland to paint in the Berlin plein air, and you'll probably find me painting on the beach or in the marshes at Assateague. That week also ends with a plein air event at Winterthur on Friday, this time the party will be at the greenhouses. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 7:51 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.