Saturday, November 4, 2023

shows and awards

 I'll be exhibiting new plein air paintings for sale at the annual Unionville Art Gala at the Unionville High School November 17 - 18. 

I'll also be painting en plein air at Winterthur for the annual Wine Trail event on Saturday, November 18. 

I'm thrilled to learn that I won Merit Awards for my paintings in the Montana Watercolor Society 41st National Exhibit and the Kentucky Watercolor Society 48th National Exhibit. 

Last week I went out to paint en plein air with the Philadelphia Watercolor Society at Grace Vineyard in Pennsylvania. I had a lovely time painting with friends, and afterwards I gave my painting to the owners of the vineyard to thank them for their hospitality. 

In other news, I'm getting a LOT of inquiries about where I'm going to take artists to paint in Europe next summer. I'm thrilled that everyone wants to travel with me, but I have to tell you that I'm taking the year off - 2024 - of international travel, so I can devote more time to my work as Exhibition Director of the National Watercolor Society. I will be planning a trip for 2025 soon, and I will probably go back to France (unless I can find a tour operator for the Caribbean) -- so just hold your horses for a year and stay tuned for details ;) 

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:19 AM   0 Comments


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