Saturday, June 29, 2013

How To Remove a Painting From a Watercolor Block

This short video tutorial demonstrates how to remove a finished painting from a watercolor block, without tearing the painting or damaging the rest of the block. Enjoy!

Yes, that's me in my studio -- where I teach classes and workshops. Come on over and visit me anytime!

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posted by Annie Strack @ 6:13 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Another Painting Class Starts Next Week!

My classes at Artist's Network University have been so popular, they've been adding new classes to my schedule as fast as I can teach them! My next class starts next week, so if you want in you need to sign up immediately. I'm also planning more 1-day and half-day workshops in my studio this fall, so watch this page for details coming soon!
Preparing for art workshops in my Kennett Square Studio!


posted by Annie Strack @ 4:43 PM   0 Comments

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wonderful Weekend in Delaware!

Last weekend I taught a watercolor workshop in Milford, Delaware, at the Mispillion Art League. The majority of the artists in my class were more advanced, so we breezed through 2 or 3 paintings each day!
 I love teaching, and when I get a class full of really good artists, I love it even more! I'm also teaching a couple of online painting courses right now, and all my students in those classes are producing awesome work, too!
 Here are my Delaware students with one of the paintings that they completed in my workshop.
Workshop Coordinator Judy Struck, Featured Artist Anne Jenkins, workshop instructor Annie Strack, and artist Rosemary Connolly.  
After the workshop on Sunday afternoon, we strolled over to the historic riverfront boatyard for the gala opening ceremony of Milford's latest public art project. It was a sold-out event and I didn't have a ticket, but I have good friends that helped me sneak under the fence and gate-crash.

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:53 PM   0 Comments

Monday, June 3, 2013

Paintings and Travels

I had a wonderful time painting en plein air at Valley Forge last Saturday with the Philadelphia Watercolor Society. Even though it's a watercolor society event, I like to use oils when I paint en plein air. 
 Here I am with my easel set up in the tall grass, feeding the ticks. I was a little surprised at how near I live to Valley Forge. It's only about 30 miles from my house.
It was quite hot with temps in the mid 90's, but a light breeze and some shade made it bearable. The wind picked up and I lost the shade in the afternoon, so this painting will have to wait to be finished. It was so hot and dry on Saturday, the painting and my palette were completely dry by the time I got home.

This weekend I'll be in Delaware to teach a workshop for the Mispillion Art League. I hope I see you there!

posted by Annie Strack @ 7:57 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.