Sunday, August 25, 2019

Current Exhibits!

I just sent off my painting "Destiny Awaits" to the Kentucky Watercolor Society for the 41st Annual Juried show, and I was pleasantly surprised to just get the notification that another painting "jon L. Seagull" was juried into the Northstar Watermedia Society 5th Annual Juried Show. This means I have just earned Signature Membership in NSWS (my 15th Signature!) and I only need one in KWS to achieve Signature from that one. I'm always excited when my paintings are juried into a national or international show, and doubly so when it earns Signature status for me!

Jon L Seagull, watercolor by Annie Strack

Destiny Awaits, watercolor by Annie Strack

Yesterday, some of my students and I went to Longwood gardens for a field trip and lunch. Longwood is only about 2 miles from my home and studio, so very convenient for me. The real purpose of the outing, however, was to meet up with our tour guide from France! Mathieu Brousses and his family came to the U.S. to visit friends and family, and stopped by to hang out with my students and me. ALL of the artists who went to Provence with me last year are also going to Brittany with me NEXT year, and some of them were able to join us at Longwood for a glorious reunion. We had an absolutely marvelous time, and spent the entire day together. We can hardly wait until next June, when we go France again! 
Reunion of Annie Strack's traveling artists at Longwood

The plein air painting trip to Brittany is June 10 - 19, 2020, and we still have a couple of spaces left. My old friend Yves-Marie, the Director of Sennelier, has invited me to bring a group of artists to the home of Sennelier in Brittany so he can personally show us around and paint with us. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! This trip is extremely exclusive and almost full, so let me know immediately if you are interested in applying for one of the remaining spaces!

posted by Annie Strack @ 3:34 PM   1 Comments

Friday, August 9, 2019

color me happy!

I'm absolutely thrilled to pieces to share this latest article on Artists Network! In this interview, the writer asked me about my creative process and I share my deepest darkest secrets about how I often make mistakes and how I deal with them. Be sure to clink on the link in the article to receive your free sample of Hahnemuhle watercolor paper!

Destiny Awaits, watercolor painting by Annie Strack

I'm also thrilled to share that my painting "Destiny Awaits" was juried into the Kentucky Watercolor Society annual show! Whoo hoo! I'm shipping this one off to the exhibit next week! I'm grateful to juror Paul Jackson for including my my painting in such a prestigious show with so many fine artists. I'm a life member of KWS, and always enjoy taking part in this wonderful show each year.
Beach painting by Annie Strack, SOLD

Next week I'm taking off for a little mini-vacay, and going to the beach paint with my artist friends down in southern Delaware. It's just for a few days and I'll be back in time teach my classes Thursday morning, so I'll see you there!

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:53 AM   0 Comments

Friday, August 2, 2019

latest paintings!

It's the beginning of August, which means my summer semester of classes is now half over. This week I taught loose painting techniques using florals. My students also learned how to use a t-square to draw symmetrical objects (in this instance, the vases) along with learning reactions of different paper surfaces. We worked on the Cezanne 140# Cold Pressed and Rough papers that were generously supplied for my classes by Hahnemuhle USA! Here are two of my demo paintings...

I also shipped off a painting to the Georgia Watercolor Societies Juried Members Show. I recently renewed my membership, which had lapsed the last time I moved. I renewed as a Lifetime Member, so I won't have to worry about renewals getting lost in the mail.

My abstract painting "Tidal Basins" is the latest in my series of abstracted seascapes. I'm thrilled that it is accepted in the GWS Juried Members Show!

posted by Annie Strack @ 4:04 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.