Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Temporary Inconvenience

 I've been having a minor issue with my health lately. It started last autumn with a cough that I had treated at the urgent care clinic. It seemed to get better, but then progressed to a sore throat over the winter, a swollen tonsil in the spring, and a lump in my neck by summer. To make a long story short, after several visits to doctors, numerous tests, and a surgery later, I've learned that I have non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, stage 4. 

So, I might slow down just a wee bit, for a while. It's really nothing more than a temporary inconvenience, but I'm going to milk it as an excuse to take a break and act lazy for a while. Not long, mind you -- by the time this pandemic quarantine is over, I'll be rested up and back to my full schedule of events. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:41 PM   4 Comments

Thursday, August 20, 2020

International Plein Air Painters 18th Annual World Wide Paint-Out

The International Plein Air Painters 18th Annual World Wide Paint out is coming up, Sept 11 - 13. I will be painting at the Auburn Valley State Park, Yorklyn, Delaware. This is the new park on the corner of Hwy 82 (Creek Road) and Yorklyn Road, next to the Yorklyn Post Office, across the street from the old NVF factory that is being torn down. Any artist who wishes to join me, can just come out and join me! 

We are just one month away from the Annual Chester County Studio Tour! The tour will be Sept 19 - 20 this year. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 4:43 PM   0 Comments

Monday, August 10, 2020

Thrilled to win!

 I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Portrait of Chris" won second place in the Alaska Watercolor Society 46th Annual National Exhibit! 

Portrait of Chris, 20x14 Watercolor by Annie Strack

Check out what I have to say about the new Water Lily line of brushes from Dynasty Brush

I'm also pleased to announce that Dynasty Brush quoted me and used my painting in their latest promotional video! 

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posted by Annie Strack @ 2:58 PM   0 Comments

Monday, August 3, 2020

More koi and other news

I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "a Tug at my Heart" is juried into the Kentucky Watercolor Society 43rd Annual Aqueous Exhibit! This is my 3rd acceptance which earns Signature Status in KWS. It is the 16th Signature Status that I've earned, although I still have not earned it from the Big Three societies. 

I wrote an illustrated tutorial for Plaza Art Store with this painting, you can see it online

I also worked on this small painting of Koi last week, using my Water Lily brushes from Dynasty Brush on the Leonardo CP paper from Hahnemuehle. 

The Water Lily line of brushes from Dynasty Brush are a soft synthetic hair that resembles natural Kolinsky sable more than other other synthetic brush available. The hairs are extremely absorbent and have a nice spring that is neither too firm nor too soft. Besides being vegan, they have all the characteristics of Kolinsky, but with the durability and affordability of synthetic. 

The Leonardo line of paper from Hahnemuhle is 280 pound watercolor paper that comes in rough, cold, or hot pressed surfaces. It is bright white and the cold and rough have wonderful textures. I prefer blocks, and this paper comes in handy blocks of 10 sheets. I seldom treat myself to a heavy paper, so painting on this 280 pound paper was a real luxury for me that I greatly enjoyed. 

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posted by Annie Strack @ 4:24 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.