Saturday, February 8, 2025

painting workshop in Delaware

 My workshop in Delaware is now OPEN for registration! This is an in-person, 3-day workshop, April 8-10, in Harbeson, Delaware. There are several lodging options in the area for artists who don't live in the immediate area. Click HERE to register. 

Color Theory Made Easy! Take your painting to the next level with Artist Materials Expert Annie Strack.

In this workshop, artists will learn to use color in ways they never imagined. You’ll learn to develop observation skills, color awareness, simple design principles and learn about light and shadows. Discover how to see color more accurately and how to banish ‘mud’ from your paintings, and mix vibrant colors on your palette. Register HERE on the Delaware Watercolor Society website.

The workshop will build your confidence and ability to use color in any medium.
You will learn how to identify colors by temperature and value and how to mix every color needed from using a split primary palette. This applies to all color mediums. Participants will gain a stronger understanding of color theory and will learn to use the right colors to create better paintings. 

This class is for artists who want to excel at watercolor painting and learn more about color theory, compositional choices, manipulating values, color intensity, proper uses of materials and supplies, and mastering the mediums used to create extraordinary paintings. 

This workshop is more than just color – artists will also learn about the properties of their pigments, brushes, paper, and other materials and auxiliaries and how to use that knowledge to create better paintings. Although I will be using watercolors to teach this particular session, the knowledge and techniques apply to all color mediums and can easily be adapted to acrylics or oils. 

I’ll help you develop observation skills, color awareness, simple design principles and learn about light and shadows. You'll learn the why's and how's behind color mixing and we'll do some exercises together that will help you build your skills and confidence in mixing colors that vary in intensity, value and color temperature. Gain a better understanding of which colors to use to achieve your desired result and reduce aimless trial and error. Click HERE to register. 

As always in my in-person workshops, participants will get a chance to win fabulous door prizes of professional art supplies! The companies that I work for as a Brand Ambassador provide me with tons of artist materials and supplies that I share with students at my in-person events. Register HERE on the Delaware Watercolor Society website.

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:10 PM   0 Comments

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

latest videos are now available

The recording of my online demo for the Baltimore Watercolor Society is now available for a limited time! 

 My upcoming workshop for BWS sold out immediately, but I'm pleased to announce that they added a second workshop for the artists who were on the waiting list! Although that second workshop filled from the waitlist, there is a possibility that they might add MORE workshops from the waitlist. All my workshops sell out extremely fast, so I recommend adding your name to a waitlist for a chance to get into one of these additional workshops.

 Here's another new painting that I just finished! I'll be teaching the techniques, tips, and skills needed to paint koi like this in my upcoming workshops for BWS.

Dancers, 16x12 wc, Annie Strack

And I'll be in southern Delaware in April to teach a 3-day workshop for the Delaware Watercolor Society. Registration will open soon, so keep an eye on their website for details! This is an in-person workshop, but there are several nice hotels in the area for the artists who want to travel to take this in-person workshop. As always at my in-person events, there will be special surprises and exclusive bonuses for attendees! 

And finally, here is the recording of my live demo for Art Chat TV, where I demonstrated how I create the unique backgrounds in my series of seagull paintings. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 5:34 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, January 23, 2025

More workshops!

It's a "go!" My upcoming workshop for Baltimore Watercolor Society sold out so fast that they have added a second workshop, Feb 17-18 for the people on the waiting list. Join the waitlist for a chance to get in the new workshop!

In between all my demos an workshops I still found time to finish another painting of seagulls.

Circling, 12x16 WC, Annie Strack

And did I show you this one, yet? I painted this from some reference photos I took when I was teaching in France.

Birds of a Feather, 14x20 wc, Annie Strack

posted by Annie Strack @ 6:52 PM   0 Comments

Monday, January 20, 2025

workshops and demos

Wowsa! I just found out that my painting demonstration for Baltimore Watercolor Society drew a RECORD BREAKING number of people registering to watch a BWS demo! Thank you, everyone, for coming to watch me splash paint around! 

Annie Strack, BWS

I painted two paintings in my two hour online demo for BWS, although now I will let them sit for a few days to ferment. I will look at them next week and see if I want to add or change anything before I call them "done."

BWS demo paintings

Once again, my upcoming workshops sold out immediately. BWS added a second workshop for the waiting list, which was already overflowing, too. Please go ahead and add your name to the waitlist anyway, as they MIGHT also add a third workshop from the waiting list. My workshops sell-out so quickly that I highly recommend getting on a waiting list to try to get a chance to attend. 

Annie Strack, example of color lesson

Speaking of workshops, I'm putting together a workshop for Delaware Watercolor Society right now, as we speak! This 3-day workshop will be "in-person," in a venue in southern Delaware in April. It too, will sell-out quickly, so be sure to watch for announcements from DWS. The DWS workshop is Color Theory and it's all about experimenting and learning to think outside of the box when it comes to color.  
color lesson example, Annie Strack

We'll do several techniques in this workshop and participants will gain a stronger understanding of how to choose and use color to create better paintings.  

I will be using watercolors in this workshop, but the lessons apply to all painting mediums. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:09 AM   0 Comments

Friday, January 10, 2025

New painting!

 I just finished this latest painting! I'll be demonstrating how I create these types of abstracted backgrounds in my next FREE online demo Thursday, January 16th. Click here for details! 

The Scream, 12x16 Annie Strack

This demo is not a paint-along, as the background is painted in stages that need to dry between applications. That's why I've drawn out three paintings to work on. Each will have masking fluid covering the birds while I layer paint to show my new techniques to create the abstracted compositions around them. 

drawings for the next demo

Then on Sunday, January 19th, I'm demonstrating tips and secrets for painting great seascapes in watercolor for the Baltimore Watercolor Society. Click here for details about that online demo! 

drawings for the BWS demo

This is a two-hour demo so I am planning to demonstrate with two paintings to show a lot of different techniques for painting water, light, shadows, reflections, and more. This event is also a painting demonstration, not a workshop. I know a lot of you are trying to get in my workshops and are frustrated that they always sell-out so quickly, but hopefully I can add more workshops to my schedule soon. I have several dates still available in my calendar for events, so if you want more workshops from me then please tell your watercolor societies, art guilds, art centers, etc., to contact me. I would love to teach a workshop in your town! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:41 AM   0 Comments

Saturday, January 4, 2025

more online demos coming up!

 I have more online painting demonstrations coming up in the next few weeks! I just added this one for January 16th -- it's totally FREE but you need to preregister. Click here to register! I'll be painting seagulls and (most importantly!) demonstrating how to create intriguing compositional interest through use of abstracted elements in the background of the subjects. 

I'll be demonstrating watercolor seascapes online for the Baltimore Watercolor Society on January 19th, and this demo is free for members of the BWS. If you're not already a member, it's worth it to join (only $30!) just to watch my demo! Plus, BWS members get first dibs on signing up for BWS workshops, and my workshops always sell-out quickly (my next workshop sold-out long ago) before they are open for public registration!

In February I'm traveling to New Jersey to demonstrate acrylic painting methods live IN PERSON for the Salem County Art League. As I always do for my in-person events, I'll be bringing lots of extra art supplies to give away as door prizes at this event! 

And if you missed my online demonstration for Sennelier last month, you can still watch that on YouTube! 

Want to see my FIRST painting of the new year? Well, here it is! I still haven't settled on title for this one yet, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!

Beach Bocce, 14x20 wc by Annie Strack

And finally, my last news tidbit -- I am now officially retired from the National Watercolor Society Board of Directors as of 12 noon yesterday. My two year term went by in a flash, the first half as the Web Director and the second half of my term was as the Exhibition Director. I started volunteering for NWS in 2018 and joined the Board a few years afterwards. Very few people ever knew that I was volunteering at NWS and managing the exhibitions, their website, and online activities. It was a tremendous amount of anonymous work done behind-the-scenes, with no public recognition or acknowledgement and no opportunity for advancement on the Board of Directors or within the Society. It will be a nice change to take a break and work on my own projects now. 

posted by Annie Strack @ 4:28 PM   0 Comments

Monday, December 16, 2024

[Monday Live] Aquarelle | Watercolor with Annie Strack

If you missed my LIVE demo with Yves-Marie and Sennelier, you can still watch it on replay! We had a great hour of painting and I'll be back at Sennelier to demonstrate again in June and September of 2025! 

You can also watch it on Facebook HERE: 

posted by Annie Strack @ 1:24 PM   0 Comments

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December news

 Get ready for Monday Live! I am painting live, online, in this free online painting demonstration for Sennelier on Monday, December 16th. You can paint along with me! You will find the materials list, reference photo, and complete description HERE. You can join the event on Facebook or on YouTube

In other news, I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Toes in the Water" juried into the Missouri Watercolor Society 2025 International Exhibition! 

Toes in the Water, 14x20 wc by Annie Strack

Last week I was at Winterthur demonstrating plein air painting during their Holiday Market - it was another great event, and I had tons of fun talking to the visitors while painting. 

Annie Strack, painting en plein air at Winterthur

A lot of new workshops are being scheduled for the coming months -- Baltimore Watercolor Society, Salem County Art League, and Delaware Watercolor Society workshops will be open for registration soon! 

BWS demo in January, 2025

BWS workshop in February, 2025 (SOLD OUT)

SCAL demo in February, 2025

posted by Annie Strack @ 12:11 PM   0 Comments

Friday, November 22, 2024

Virgin Islands and Winterthur

 I just got back from my trip to the Virgin Islands and I'm totally exhausted! 

I rented a lovely apartment right on the beach and spent my days swimming, snorkeling, and painting. 

Tomorrow it's back to work! I'll be painting live, in person, all day at Winterthur! Come out and see me during their annual Holiday Festivities tomorrow, 10 - 4 pm. I'll have my easel set up for painting en plein air at the greenhouses, so be sure to come and meet me there. 

And in other news, I'm happy to report that my painting "Disconnected" juried into the Society of Watercolor Artists Annual Exhibition! This latest acceptance has earned Signature Status for me in SWA, and is now the 36th Signature that I've earned! 

Disconnected, 14x20 watercolor by Annie Strack

posted by Annie Strack @ 11:35 AM   0 Comments

Friday, November 1, 2024

November news

 November is a busy month for exhibitions, plein air events, and travel! 

Every year I travel to Europe to teach a painting workshop, but this year I'm doing something different -- the Virgin Islands! So I'm off and traveling for most of this month. If you missed my trip this year, don't despair -- I'm planning my 2025 painting trip soon. Keep an eye on my website or follow me on social media to keep up with the details as they are announced. 

Any Which Way, 12x16 watercolor

I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Any Which Way" won Award of Merit in the Arizona Watercolor Society Juried Exhibit, 

Old Friends, 16x12 watercolor

and my painting "Old Friends" juried into the 50th Western Federation of Watercolor Societies exhibit, which earned Signature Membership for me in both the WFWS and the Colorado Watercolor Society! This is the 35th Signature that I've earned!! 

Koi, 3x3" watercolor on board

I painted this tiny 3x3" watercolor and mounted it on board, varnished, and framed it to send it off to a dear friend. I might do a few more of these minis for the holidays. It was fun to do! 

Don't forget to sign up for my FREE online demonstration at Sennelier! You can join on Facebook or on YouTube. Paint along with me while you watch! My workshop description and materials list is on the Sennelier website! Register for a chance to win a set of Sennelier watercolors, too!

posted by Annie Strack @ 9:27 AM   0 Comments

Saturday, October 19, 2024

All About Paper - Part IV - Handling

Part IV – Handling (Conclusion)

In this final chapter on All About Watercolor Paper I will discuss the proper methods for the handling and storage of paper to ensure best results and maximum longevity. 

Unused watercolor paper should be stored in a cool, dry place that is free from extreme temperature, light, and humidity. Sizing is a necessary additive to paper, and it will deteriorate with age – paper needs to be used in a timely manner before the sizing has decomposed and the paper becomes too absorbent. Extreme differences in temperature will cause the fibers in the paper to expand and contract, and each time they will contract less – causing the paper to become softer and more absorbent. Moisture and humidity cause the same problems, and need to be avoided for the same reasons.

Never soak and “stretch” your paper. Many of us learned to do this in art school, but it’s an old wives’ tale that has been repeated for generations and it is actually quite harmful to the paper. There are still some artists who soak their paper out of habit because it is the way they were taught and they simply don't know better, but it's really not a good thing and that's why you don't see it in books anymore, nor will you see any artists who have been correctly trained doing this archaic process. 

Paper is not made by knitting or weaving fibers like the construction of cloth – it is made by matting loose lint fibers, more like the construction of felt. Stretching it will actually thin the surface and weaken it. It's not knitted or woven, so the fibers, if stretched, will pull away from each other and weaken the paper. It will not 'shrink' like a woven or knitted object -- the fibers are not long enough and there are no spun yarns or threads pulling it from edge to edge.

Soaking will also remove the sizing that has been added by the paper manufacturer. Sizing is a starch or gelatin that is added to the paper as a stabilizer, and it makes the paper stiff, and it controls the rate and amount of water/paint absorption. Without sizing, paper becomes limp, and you cannot use any lifting techniques to remove paint, masking fluid would be difficult or impossible to remove, etc. Soaking also changes the texture of the paper. Manufacturers use engineered presses to create a calculated and uniform compressed surface on the papers. Soaking expands the fibers, removing the benefits of compression. The paper will become easy to damage, and can then pill or tear under any sort of light rubbing, such as using an eraser or with brushstrokes from painting. The combination of sizing and compression in the manufacturing process is what makes the paper a usable substrate for painting.

Larger paintings in particular need heavier paper, and artists who like to work wet -- washes and glazes-- should also use heavy paper. Lighter papers are fine for practicing brushstrokes, or for small projects like note cards or miniatures, or for work that is executed with little water. Blocked paper is different, and blocked paper will hold it’s shape much better than loose paper. However, even with blocks there is still an issue with the weight-to-size ratio, so blocks are not generally made in sizes larger than 18x24.

Soaking results in a paper that is softer, weaker, and more absorbent. To avoid paper buckling while painting, the key is to use the right weight of paper that can handle that amount of water. If your paper buckles, then you need to use a heavier weight.   

Read the other articles in this series: 

All About Paper - Part I - Surface Textures 

 All About Paper - Part II -- Sizing Matters

All About Paper - Part III - Weight 


Annie Strack is an industry trained expert in the uses and properties of artist materials. She is a Brand Ambassador for Hahnemuehle Paper and several other companies, and teaches at art centers, art supply stores, and workshops around the world.  


posted by Annie Strack @ 4:24 PM   0 Comments

Sunday, October 13, 2024

October news

 I'm happy to announce that my painting "Into Darkness" received the 7th Place Award in the Georgia Watercolor Society 45th Exhibition! 

Into the Darkness, 12x16 watercolor by Annie Strack

And my painting "Out of the Darkness" juried into the Kentucky Watercolor Society 47th International Exhibition!

Out of the Darkness, 12x9 watercolor by Annie Strack

Last week I judged the art entries at the Unionville Fair -- something I've been doing for the last 12 or 13 years. 

I also replaced the ballast in one of the lights in my studio. I have two florescent ceiling fixtures in my studio and you may recall that I replaced the other one a couple of years ago. This one died a few weeks ago and forced me to fix it, too. I'm getting pretty handy at minor little home repair jobs like this. I couldn't decide which brightness level to choose for the LED bulbs, so I went with one of each, lol! I think it balances out fairly well. 

In other news, I didn't go to the National Watercolor Society Opening Reception in California this weekend, after all. Another NWS Board Member wanted to go and be in charge of the event, so I stepped aside. I went last year, and that's enough for me. I am retiring from the Board of the National Watercolor Society in January, so I'm perfectly okay with someone else taking my place at the reception. I traded in my airfare and 4 nights of hotel in California for a two-week vacation in the Virgin Islands for hubby and myself -- I think I got a good deal! 

posted by Annie Strack @ 2:35 PM   0 Comments

All images and content copyright Annie Strack 2025. Although I occasionally receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.